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Like many animal charities, RSPCA in Victoria, Australia, receives a huge amount of its income from gifts in Wills. But it is sometimes hard to know exactly who to target and with what message. They needed a new strategy and campaign to position RSPCA in the hearts and minds of the next generation of donors.


After speaking to thousands of RSPCA supporters, we noticed a familiar theme. Story after story, we heard about the bond of love that is experienced between a person and their pet. This love is not just for their pet, but for all animals, and the donor wants this to live on, long after they are gone.


Through an extensive process involving the whole organisation, we helped them see that the key is to focus on the donor. That with gifts in Wills, we have an opportunity to talk to a deep personal need, to Let your love for animals live on, forever.

80% of RSPCA donors who saw the campaign said they would consider a gift in their Will.

Consumer testing showed that our gifts in Wills proposition increased gift consideration by as much as 82% in the general population.
