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High value legacies can be transformational for charities. Did you know that less than 1% of legacy gifts account for around one quarter of all UK legacy income?

In other words, this relatively small number of legacies generates the phenomenal sum of almost £1 billion for charities each year, and it’s a market that is ripe for growth.

Analysis shows both that wealthy supporters are more likely to give and to give at a higher level. And yet, as it stands, few charities have a high value legacy strategy in place and there remains some trepidation amongst fundraisers and senior leaders about talking to major donors about legacy giving. But just imagine how much scope there could be for income growth if charities placed more focus – collectively and individually – on developing high value legacies.

Speakers: Claire Routley, Caroline Donald (Unicef), Lucinda Frostick (Remember a Charity)